While I've been quieter around here over the past few months, I've become much more active on Instagram, which surpassed Twitter as my favourite social network soon after I joined.
Last year I started a daily doodle project for myself in December, #DecemberDoodles, where I hand-lettered quotes submitted by people in the comments. In January I hand-lettered a word a day, choosing a word out of my experience of that day, #HappyJanDoodles. I had the idea to do this on squares of folded paper, that I call "quilted paper", and then to stitch through it with gold thread after, and I've just completed that. People have requested a how-to for the quilted paper, so there'll be a post on that soon :)

February's project is another publicly collaborative one of sorts: I'm doing a giveaway every single day for February! The project is #FancyFebDoodle where I illustrate a letter of the alphabet each day in a different elaborate way. The first person to comment on the post each day on Instagram with their email address and the hashtag wins a printable version of that day's illustration! I'll be posting every day between 12 and 1pm SA time (GMT+2) so you'll know when to keep an eye out for the letter you're after :)

What do you think of this idea? I plan on doing various different Instagram projects like this every month this year. If you have any ideas for a project theme that you think would be amazing, feel free to share them with me! See you on Instagram ;)
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Wow! That is so neat. No way I could ever be that good. Glad I had a son and not a daughter. He won't be disappointed in me lol! If you would check out my personal development site. That is something I try to be good at haha Keep up the awesome work!