It's almost officially spring, if you're in the southern hemisphere! And if you're in Durban, it's most definitely already spring/summer. The September calendar is aptly spring-themed, featuring a fresh sprig of a plant from my garden that I just love. (Some might call it a weed, but I don't discriminate... I call it the magic lantern plant). I had planned to go much more floral, but nature wasn't quite ready so I improvised at the very last minute.
If you haven't got your September free printable calendar yet get yours now, below! (Lucky Packet subscribers get their's first PLUS an extra freebie). And do share this post if you know others who might find the calendar useful :)

I love when people share pics of their calendars in use! If you'd like to share yours you can do so via twitter, facebook, instagram or pinterest using the hashtag #happinessis_calendars.
Enjoy your calendar
& have a wonderful September!
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