I came across this site the other day and it made me so happy I just had to share it! Fluffë is an Australian product conceptualised and created by a guy called Nathan. From what I gather, it's pretty much a one man show, which makes it all the more exciting to me - entrepreneurship FTW!
So what is Fluffë? Beautiful flavoured candy floss! Or "fairy floss" as they cal it in Australia, or "cotton candy" as they say in the US. Fluffë says "pink is not a flavour" and create their own flavoured sugars by hand... they'll even create a custom flavour for you! Just close your eyes and imagine the magic of candy floss in flavours like cereal, birthday cake, rosetachio, cookies and cream, unicorn poop, mojito and more. Amazing! I have always harboured a guilty love for candy floss, so I find this concept terribly exciting, even though it's so far away.
If you're in Australia, get your hands on some of that fluffy goodness and tell me what it's like :)

Check out their website and cool Instagram feed for more drool-worthy temptation.
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