Happy Monday! I hope you've been following the Creative Business Series last week! Caitlyn started it off with “The most important question to ask yourself before starting your own business”, then was Megan with “Should you combine many passions or just choose one?”, Ilze spoke about “The importance of Professionalism”, Roxy spoke about “Blogging - where to begin?”, and Kelly spoke about “How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Business?”
Ever wanted to sell your products on an online store, but didn't because it seems scary? I'm going to give you some insight into what's out there, best practices and what to watch out for.
First off, do some searching for online stores to find out what's available and what will best suit your product range. There are many options out there, each with different requirements and suited to different products. Just like in a normal store, you have to make sure that the online stores you choose to stock are aimed at your target audience. Look around at other seller's pages to get a feel for the kind of info you'll need to share and to see that the quality of products offered are in line with yours - you don't want to be represented on a site that doesn't suit the level of your work. Some sites, like Etsy, even allow you to see how many sales each shop has made and when they started their store.