Here's an official welcome back to the blog for 2014! Hope you've all had a great start to the year and have some plans to make things happen. After a good break, I'm feeling super amped to get back into work and my normal routine, and make some positive changes.
I'd like to share some articles and art prints to help inspire and motivate us to achieve our goals. I really love this
Declaration of Intention by Emily McDowell, and although it's not new I think it's always relevant.
These two are also great bits of inspiration and reinforcement from Emily...
If you're trying to make some changes in your life, like I am, you may find these articles useful in helping to make habits last:
The 99U Guide to Habits - How to make new behaviours last for good
This post on Mondays is really great, and although she talks about a specific decision that she's made for her Mondays, it's a great reminder to change our "Monday" mindset and make it work for us:
Monday = MY Day
This is something I keep trying to implement but always end up forgetting to keep up with, but I'm determined to actually make it work this year coz I really believe it can be super effective:
Something small every day
Some general tips on productivity that I think are great:
11 Expert Productivity Tips
And two links for you fellow small business owners who are looking for ways to improve this year:
The Foolproof Formula to Manifest your Creative Business Vision in 2014
Here's more graphic inspiration from
The Everygirl's Instagram feed and
Uppercase Magazine...
Another great way to start the year is with the
#100HappyDays project. Basically you post a picture for 100 days of something that makes you happy each day. It's a really great way to get you to slow down and pay attention to those special moments :)
If you need any design or illustration work done and would like to chat about it , do drop me a line.