Hey there! It's calendar time again... And it's also finally brand new website, shop and blog time! Yup, that's right, my new website has finally launched with a bit of a rebrand, and so the blog will be moving over there from now on. I've decided to still keep this blog live instead of shutting it down, because it's been through so much with me and I feel like it's kind of a thing of its own in a way... so it'll stay here for any roaming passers-by, but will from now on continue over here. All the old stuff as been moved over, and the blog is still Happiness is... so it's not really changing much - except for more frequent posting and more focussed content. The monthly calendars, including this month's calendar, will still be happening, same as always :)

Thank you for visiting my blog and for following, commenting and supporting me here over the years! I hope you'll join me on the other side :)
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