Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Happiness is... on Facebook... and Etsy!

So I have some news to share with you... But first I wanna say a massive thank you to all those who took the time to comment or mail me after the last post with kind words or advice - it was really so appreciated and helped me feel better, and made up for the other people who disappointed me in the first place. You guys are awesome! This happy little bear doodle is for you all :)
thank you!

Next up, I finally succumbed and got myself a Facebook page. I'll share all the cool little stuff I find in between that's not quite post-worthy, plus share blog posts and stuff so it's more accessible and convenient for you :) You can go and like it if you like it, hehe.
Happiness is... on Facebook

And lastly, I'm also on Etsy now! Totally taking over the interwebz. Much thanks to the lovely Yusrah from Guard the Vintage for her tips and encouragement and all-round friendliness. Check out the shop here. I plan to add lots of new stuff to it soon.
Happiness is... now a shop on Etsy
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