Hi there! Today I'm taking you through a project I worked on a while ago. If you're in a similar position, it always helps to get some background info on the process and what to expect, so if you're needing new branding, this is for you!
Nadia van der Mescht is a popular local creative consultant and blogger, as well as a friend and colleague of mine. Since first naming her company several years ago her services and offerings had changed and grown, and so her new branding needed an update to align with that. I was lucky enough to be chosen to design her new logo when she rebranded her company a few months ago.
Logo design is a pretty involved process. It's not about just getting a design that you think looks nice, but takes into account all aspects of your business and brand as a whole. Things like the types of customers you're aiming to attract, where your logo will mostly be seen or used, who your competitors are, and so much more. When beginning a new logo design, I usually have a chat and go through a list of questions to better understand the brand as well as the person I'm working with. I find his often also helps you get a clearer idea of what you're actually aiming towards as well.
After the initial chat and then research I start with some rough sketches and play around with ideas. I love keeping my clients very involved in the process along the way to make sure that the end result is exactly what they want and need, so there's a bit of back and forth during this stage. Above you'll see some of the many different versions Nadia's logo went through before it got to the final product.
After lots of back and forth and tweaking here and there to make sure it was just right, we came up with the final logo design below. As part of her branding pack, I also provided Nadia with the scallop border pattern and polka dot pattern to use on her products going forward to maintain her brand identity throughout, and business cards with her new branding.

It was such a pleasure working with Nadia because we have tastes that are similar yet different. She had a clear goal in her mind for what she wanted and that was what we worked towards. She's a super talented, creative person and her services include working with creative businesses to help them grow, valuable creative business workshops, and so much more. Plus, she's just a lovely person to work with! Find out more on her blog.
Have a look at another logo design I worked on here.
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